Three in a row!

Published on 17 February 2023
2 min read
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I’ve just got “the news”: I’ve been nominated vExpert again, for the third year in a row! And today, like in the first year (2021), it’s an honor to be a part of this program and a part of the vCommunity: one of the widest worldwide IT communities.

The vExpert program

vExpert is a VMware global evangelism and advocacy program focused on VMware technologies and was born to reward and engage people that demonstrate knowledge (VCDX) and involvement in communities. Today this program has also sub-programs focused on recognition of people that show a brilliant ability to present and share their knowledge in App Modernization, Cloud, Network virtualization, etc (for further info see:

But what does being a vExpert mean? As vExpert, what challenges we are going to face today?

The mission

Being a vExpert is not only a pride, but also a responsibility, to share what you learned on field and during years, studying, working, attending events, in order to give back to a wider and wider community, in which today you can be a member, tomorrow a vExpert, and so on.

vExperts Directory

I want to congratualte with all the italian vExperts

The complete vExpert directory is available here: and it counts more or less 1300 people.